The Toy Chest is a full-time partner of Project Play. Any time a customer visits one of their two locations, they can purchase a toy at half price which will automatically be donated to Project Play. With locations in Nashville and Bloomington, Indiana, they've made giving easy.
Hilary Key
Toy store owner and play expert.
Angie Lacy
Occupational Therapist and preschool teacher.
Click the button below to donate using our secure PayPal account.
Our Mission
Our newly formed organization needs your help! We currently need volunteers, family referrals, and toy and book donations.
Based in central Indiana, our mission is to provide every child with the benefits of play. Your donations help us give developmentally appropriate books and toys to children that need them.
Join Us
Giving isn't seasonal. Children need to experience the power of play throughout the year. Join us with your volunteer efforts and at our fundraising events throughout the year.
Play It Forward
Work with members in your community and make a difference
CuRREnt Projects
Project Play, Inc. is a nonprofit organization which accepts new and gently used toys and books. Our focus is to bring learning through play into every household. We do this by providing developmentally appropriate toys to children who don’t otherwise have access to them.
Danny Key
Real Estate Broker and computer whiz.